
Where once loomed a massive Schinus terebinthifolius, with the scraggly stolons of a forgotten lawn plagued by too much shade and lack of water underneath, we created a dry garden incorporated into the existing boundary framework. Aristida junciformis tufts glow in the late afternoon sun and will soon bundle and spill over the recycled railway sleepers. Surprises await around each rock and stone formation. How far will the Aptenia cuttings spread and cover? When will the giant mountain vygie first reveal her showy bright colours to us? Neighbours stop and turn at the multi-hued foliage of the Kalanchoe longiflora and we’re excited for all that they will still see in seasons to come.

Werner you are forever our inspiration for taking out that massive tree. Clients who are involved and interested make for such rewarding projects. Thank you Trudie and Werner.