
The newly built house at Sitari sits on a for-the-moment empty corner facing False Bay somewhere beyond the N2, but more importantly for our planning, the infamous southeaster. With housing development at its current rate in Cape Town, we can only assume that the neighbouring plots will soon see brick upon brick, creating abodes for excited residents to move in furniture over newly laminated floors while smelling the fresh white paint. 

The demand for screening, both from people and the strong winds, made us plant Brachylaena discolor along the front and side of the property. Similarly in the back garden, Leyland cypress found its place against the boundary. These evergreens, along with the covered patio and braai would provide refuge from the demands of modern life. A host of indigenous, hardy coastal shrubs were added to the mix. Think Searsia crenata, Dodonaea angustifolia, Tecoma capensis – all our favourites. For a splash of colour we added Pelargoniums, Euryops, Scabiosa, and greys in the form of Helichrysum and Rhagodia.