
Custom Nylofor Trellis

The client approached us after a new synthetic lawn installation in the backyard to soften the boundary wall which was an eyesore. A meter-wide planting bed was kept along the length of the wall, perfect for us to get to work.

A custom 5m wide trellis was constructed using pine turned poles and Nylofor fencing panels. Trachelospermum jasminoides was planted in front of the trellis in favour of the summer flowers and fragrance, with the future prospect of a massive jasmine wall. Other specimens to screen the wall on either side includes Brachylaena discolour, Tecoma capensis, Portulacaria afra and Melaleuca bracteata ‘Johannesburg Gold’, with its magnificent golden to yellow foliage providing excellent contrast.

In front, an Olea Frantoio and Mission was planted, completing the courtyard-like feeling created by the pavers. Various pots with hardy specimens like Rhaphiolepis and Carissa were added in front for more interest and height.